
Is Red Light Therapy Safe For Pregnant and Nursing Woman? Can I Use RLT While Pregnant?

Is Red Light Therapy Safe For Pregnant and Nursing Woman? Can I Use RLT While Pregnant?

As you already know RLT(Red Light Therapy, also known as PBM-PhotoBioModulation or LLLT-LowLevelLaserTherapy) is a technology that uses light waves of a specific wavelength to stimulate cellular processes, promoting wellness and healing.

Whenever I tell my friends about Red Light Therapy they listen with great interest and are always amazed at the beneficial effects it brings with its treatment...

The effects are not only beneficial and promote well-being but are sometimes even miraculous!

This is because RLT is not magic but is real science! And we know that there are a myriad of studies demonstrating its effectiveness in treating a wide variety of conditions.

Starting from aging skin to hair loss, the conditions that Red Light treats are the most diverse and the great thing is that it works effectively on all of them! 

If you are curious about the conditions most treated with RLT take a look at: "What is Red Light Therapy Useful for?"

If, on the other hand, you think we are telling lies then read, "Is Red Light Therapy Fake?"

Instead, today we are going to look at how Red Light and Pregnancy work when put together...

The question then is: Is Red Light Therapy Safe For Pregnant and Nursing Woman? Can I Use RLT While Pregnant?

Maybe yes, maybe no... First of all, we always advise you to seek advice from your primary care physician because birth is a serious medical issue that involves the health of two people, yours and your baby!

Whether or not you consider Red Light Therapy safe when you are pregnant is a topic that needs special attention. RLT is known to be safe but there is still a lack of in-depth research on this topic.

So it is understandable that pregnant women are perplexed to try new treatments at such a sensitive time in their lives…

However, it has been shown that Red Light if it has wavelengths in the safe range, such as those of NoMore's devices, then it has no adverse effects on pregnancy if used appropriately.

Based on the existing knowledge and facts about the impact of LED light therapy on the human body, I recommend you read, "Is Red Light Therapy Safe? Is Red Light Therapy Dangerous?".

In any case we reiterate the fact that RLT when combined with pregnancy has no studies showing its effectiveness or otherwise as reported in Forbes [1] by Casey Kelley, M.D., founder and medical director of Case Integrative Health: "Dr. Kelley also warns that pregnant women may wish to steer clear for now because Red Light therapy hasn't been well studied in relation to pregnancy".

Knowing, then, that there is still no certainty that RLT does not harm pregnancy, what is certain, however, is the fact that the wavelengths are capable of stimulating fertility

In fact, the leading medical journal Laser Medicine in London compiled in [2] the results of various clinical studies on the impact that Red Light has on fertility and it emerged, "Laser Therapy, also known as Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) proves successful in various clinics worldwide to address the issues of improving egg quality for IVF, slowing down the aging process and significantly improving fertility in women (and men)" specifically it was shown that more than 65% of the people undergoing this experiment had a child after one year of the therapy. 

We are not doctors but still the results are mind-blowing!!!

Please remember that in case you are pregnant or you have fertility problems and want to use a Red Light LED device then the advice is to consult your physician or your gynecologist who will surely be able to advise you on the most correct choice for your health and that of your baby.



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