Red Light Therapy for Hair Loss: Does It Really Work? RLT for Hair Growth

Red Light Therapy for Hair Loss: Does It Really Work? RLT for Hair Growth

Red Light Therapy is a technology that uses light waves of a specific wavelength to stimulate cellular processes, promoting wellbeing and healing.

Imagine a future where every morning when you wake up you find more hair on your pillow than on your head...

A reality where the mirror reflects a change you didn't choose and never wanted.

Hair loss is a silent killer and its consequences are visible and profound. Don't wait for the signs to become obvious, take control now. 

More men than women suffer from hair loss, 85% and 33% respectively, but what is even more surprising is that hair loss starts both from a young age without you realizing it and perhaps by the time you realize it it may already be too late. 

According to the American company Medihair in [1] 95% of hair loss is to be associated with Androgenetic Alopecia, which is the medical term for hair loss caused by hereditary factors. 

Other causes that can lead to scalp loss in order of importance are advancing age, alopecia areata, chemotherapy to treat cancer, stress or poor eating habits, poor hair hygiene, and many other causes…

Whatever your condition, there are already clinical centers where it is possible to get your hair back to the way you have always had it, we are talking about those famous hair transplant centers. 

Although they say the best and cheapest to transplant hair are the clinical centers located in Turkey, even here in America we find great global hair experts.

However, if you are looking for a cheaper solution, convenient to do even at home or in the office and natural.

Without using annoying tools to stimulate regrowth or avoiding slathering on oils with dubious benefits.

So we at NoMore introduce you to RLT (Red Light Therapy), which is exciting researchers and scientists for its incredible and real positive effects for treating many different conditions and diseases, including stimulating natural hair regrowth

You may have already heard of it as LLLT or PBM but the question is: Can Red Light Therapy Help Hair Loss?

Well the answer is yes! Let's see how it works...

You should know that all hair is subject to repetitive regenerative cycles, and each of these cycles consists of three phases: anagen (hair production and growth phase), catagen (transition phase) and telogen (hair elimination phase).

The mechanism of light therapy is essentially based on increasing the metabolism of the hair follicle by the energy of light, which stimulates the reentry of telogen hair follicles into the anagen phase, prolongs the duration of the anagen phase, increases proliferation rates in active anagen hair follicles, and prevents premature catagen development...

More specifically what happens is as reported by the National Institute of Health NIH in [2] where they write,

"LLLT activates cytochrome c oxidase and increases mitochondrial electron transport 19-27, which leads to an increase in ATP and subsequent reversal of hair follicles from the dormant telogen stage of growth, to the active growth or anagen stage."

So Red Light not only reduces hair loss but increases your scalp density and hair thickness... fact in [3] they write "Another meta-analysis published in 2017 analyzed 11 studies and 680 patients who were treated with Red Light Therapy for hair growth. Researchers noted significant improvements in both hair count and hair density. In addition, hair thickness and tensile strength were also improved in those treated with natural light. People who were treated with Red Light were asked about their experiences, and on the whole, responded very positively to the treatments."

Of course, to speed up regrowth time, he can also use the other tricks you've surely heard of such as:

  • Scalp massage to stimulate growth;
  • Using rosemary oil to improve hair density;
  • Keeping the scalp clean and well moisturized;
  • Avoiding excessive use of hair dyes;
  • Avoiding hair exposure to too intense heat sources for a long time.

In any case, Red Light represents a way to induce natural regrowth by your body, in fact as they go on to write in [2], "There is a growing body of evidence that the use of LLLT for the purpose of promoting hair growth is both safe and effective in both men and women."

So what are you waiting for? Discover the revolutionary Red Light, scientifically formulated to strengthen your hair! Take action today to preserve tomorrow's health.

With RLT, hair loss will no longer be an unavoidable concern, but a challenge you can begin to overcome now!



[3][Maranda EL, Afifi L. et al. “Low-Level laser therapy as a treatment for androgenetic alopecia”.Laser in surgery and medicine]

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