
Is Red Light Therapy Fake?

Is Red Light Therapy Fake?

As you already know RLT is a technology that uses light waves of a specific wavelength to stimulate cellular processes, promoting wellness and healing. Although it is relatively new the scientific community is not wasting any time, and every year it is possible to find new publications or scientific experiments aimed at evaluating the effectiveness or otherwise of this type of therapy. The results obtained so far have mostly positive outcomes and in some cases have miraculous results, such as when Red Light is used to heal inflammation or wounds.

The experiments that have led to these results have been conducted mainly in mice or small human groups, in fact it should be noted that to date, scientific articles concerning studies conducted on a large group of humans have yet to be published, however, this is currently what the community is doing to prove that the use of Red Light is safe. In any case, it is known with certainty that Red Lights with too low intensities have no harmful effects on the human organism and have zero effect, while for lights with wavelengths longer than about 850nm the effect is completely opposite, in fact if used wrongly they can even cause the proliferation of tumors if these are already present in the area targeted by the therapy.

Are you still in doubt whether the Red Light is fake? Don't worry, just think that in 2002 the FDA approved the first red light phototherapy devices, and as the years progressed so did the science in the study of this particular therapy, and to date it can be shown that RLT helps you:

  • Combat the signs of aging by increasing collagen production, which makes the skin firmer, more elastic and glowing.
  • Heal wounds, the light will naturally speed healing from burns, wounds, surgical incisions and scars. Not to mention the fact that the same principle also applies in the case of contractures, tears or muscle injuries.
  • ACNE will no longer be a threat when it sees the Red Color of NoMore products. But how does it do it? The wavelengths go to raise the energy state of the cells, then make them work more efficiently by stimulating the natural antibacterial effect of your immune system. This means that your body when stimulated by RLT goes to spontaneously and genuinely clean the acne-infected areas.
  • Inflammation, as for wound healing also for inflammation RLT increase the energy state of the cell through stimulation of mitochondria also consequently increase blood circulation in the area of the swelling and induce an antioxidant anti-stress action that promotes inflammation healing.
  • Hair loss. Yes, you read that right! If you suffer from hair loss whatever your condition the Red Light works naturally, efficiently and reliably and there are many people with positive experience. For this type of problem, medical studies have shown that the therapy goes a long way in changing the life cycle of the hair, promoting regrowth and limiting scalp loss. Thanks to this, you too can enjoy and boast of having strong, shiny hair like a kid!

These are just some of the diseases or problems for which Red Light is being used, in fact even though it is a technology that the scientific community is still studying there are already the first demonstrations that the therapy can also have beneficial effects for treating breast, head skin and lung cancer

To find out more check out the other interesting blogs "Can Red Light therapy cause cancer?" and "Red Light therapy is good for" where you can find the answers you are looking for and you can find evidence that RLT is not fake but on the contrary can truly promote wellness and healing. What are you waiting for? Choose the NoMore product that is right for you and be surprised by the incredible wave of well-being and relief that Natural Red Light can bring to your life and that of your family.


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