
What is Red Light Therapy Useful for?

What is Red Light Therapy Useful for?

RLT is a new cutting-edge technology that is exciting the scientific community for the revolution it is bringing to the medical field

As you might have read from the title, today we are going to take you by the hand to discover some of the benefits related to the use of RLT that have been demonstrated and studied by American doctors and large medical practices.

As you know RLT is a technology that uses light waves of specific wavelength to stimulate cellular processes, promoting wellness and healing

And we have already seen in the article "Red Light Therapy is it Safe?" that there are no risks in its use.

Please note that what you are about to read refers to red light with intensity that is safe for the human body, such as that used in NoMore devices. For more information see the article "Can Red Light Therapy Cause Cancer."

So after understanding what red light devices are and how they work, the question that arises is: What is Red Light Therapy Useful for?


ACNE: According to the AAD [1] there are about 50 million Americans who suffer from acne each year, of which 85% of those affected are adolescents between the ages of 12 and 24. Although there are a variety of both oral and topical treatments to prevent and treat acne, to date there are many people who are satisfied with the results or side effects of such treatments. 

From a medical study in an NIH article [2], the following is noted: "The use of light and laser in the treatment of acne is increasing as these modalities are safe, effective, and associated with no or minimal complications when used appropriately.", so the use of RLT is safe however one must always be careful about the type of device one uses, not all RL devices are indicated for the treatment of acne in fact devices with wavelengths that are too intense may be harmful for this type of treatment, while devices with wavelengths such as those of NoMore are indicated for treating acne symptoms. 

But how can Red Light help in fighting acne? By the basic principle of how the device works we know that the transmission of wavelengths goes to raise the energy state of the cell which in areas where acne is present this translates into an antibacterial action, that is, the light will go to clean the affected area by eliminating bacteria embedded in the sebaceous glands of the skin both superficially and deeper, echoing the article [2] they write: "Longer wavelengths, such as red light, activate porphyrins less effectively but penetrate deeper into the skin where it may directly target sebaceous glands and exert anti-inflammatory properties by influencing cytokine release from macrophages. "

So thanks to RLT you have a chance to eradicate your acne directly at the root of the problem, always remembering to choose devices with wavelengths ranging between 650nm and 850nm. On the other hand, if you are pregnant or have special photosensitivity conditions always consult your doctor or a certified dermatologist.


INFLAMMATION: Is it true that you can reduce inflammation with red light? Yes, red light can reduce inflammation. Let's understand why together. When you are inflamed, your body activates the immune system, which releases white blood cells; in addition, plasma proteins accumulate in the inflamed tissues, which in turn accumulate fluid resulting in swelling of the inflamed area. Whereas when the inflammation is chronic, the white blood cells instead of counteracting the inflammation feed it, going on to attack both tissues and neighboring organs. So how can red light help against inflammation? 

The wavelengths emitted by the device increase blood circulation in the area of the swelling and induce an antioxidant anti-stress action that promotes healing, as Dr. Michael Hamblin of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital also claims [3]: "A very mild form of stress that activates protective mechanisms in the cells...for instance, when longer wavelengths or visibly red light hits the skin, it nudges mitochondria to make energy more efficiently and boost production of healing anti-inflammatories or disease-fighting antioxidants.

So the wavelengths energetically stimulate cells by producing healing anti-inflammatories and reducing oxidative stress, thus accelerating healing by reducing inflammation and pain , as shown in numerous studies, particularly in [4].


HAIR GROWTH: Yes, you read that right red light can help you fight hair loss safely, effectively and naturally as has been proven by numerous medical studies and as suggested by positive reviews from people who have tried RLT. How can RLT combat hair loss? 

Hair is subject to repetitive regenerative cycles and each of these The cycle consists of three phases: anagen (hair production and growth phase), catagen (transition phase) and telogen (hair elimination phase).
The mechanism of Red light therapy is essentially based on the increase of hair follicle metabolism by the energy of light, which stimulates the reentry of telogen hair follicles into the anagen phase, prolongs the duration of the anagen phase, increases proliferation rates in active anagen hair follicles, and prevents premature catagen development.
So red light not only reduces hair loss but increases your scalp density and hair thickness, in fact in [5] they write "Another meta-analysis published in 2017 analyzed 11 studies and 680 patients who were treated with red light therapy for hair growth. Researchers noted significant improvements in both hair count and hair density. In addition, hair thickness and tensile strength were also improved in those treated with natural light. People who were treated with red light were asked about their experiences, and on the whole, responded very positively to the treatments."

ANTI-AGE EFFECT: How many times are there in front of a mirror that you wish you had strong, supple skin again like when you were in your twenties. Lucky for you with RLT you can firm, plump and elasticize the skin on your face and beyond!
As you may have already understood RLT goes to raise the energy level of the cell's mitochondrion, in an article released to CNN [6] Dr. Tiffany J. Libby explains "By improving cellular function, red light therapy has been shown to increase the production of collagen [and] help with skin tone and texture as well as fine lines and wrinkles" in fact it is simple to understand that with more energy other cells can work more efficiently, such as stimulating new cell growth, repairing skin and improving skin rejuvenation. More specifically when a red light is applied to your skin what happens is that the wavelengths stimulate cellular work that produces fibroplasts, which are responsible for producing collagen. Collagen is a component of connective tissue that builds the skin, so more collagen means giving the skin structure, strength and elasticity as Dr. Kelly also writes in an article in Forbes [7]"It has been used to address signs of aging and skin damage, such as fine lines, wrinkles and age spots by stimulating collagen production"

WOUND HEALING: Study after study has shown the safety of using a therapeutic red light when it has wavelengths between a maximum and a minimum, when the light is too intense it risks harming our body and on the other hand when it is too weak it has no positive or negative effect.
So far you have been able to read about some of the most important beneficial effects of red light therapy, and along with these positive effects of using RLT comes the ability that the wavelengths have to naturally speed up healing from burns, wounds, surgical incisions and scars. Recovery from injuries and surgeries when accompanied by red light is less painful according to what patients say, not to mention the fact that possible risks or side effects from taking prescribed medications and invasive procedures are ruled out.
We conclude by quoting what they write at NIH [8] in conclusion to experiments on red light LED therapeutic devices: "The reviewed studies show that phototherapy, either by LASER or LED, is an effective therapeutic modality to promote healing of skin wounds. The biological effects promoted by these therapeutic resources are similar and are related to the decrease in inflammatory cells, increased fibroblast proliferation, angiogenesis stimulation, formation of granulation tissue and increased collagen synthesis. In addition to these effects, the irradiation parameters are also similar between LED and LASER."

[1] AAD = American Academy of Dermatoly Association 

[2] NIH National Libray of Medicine 

[3] Article 3

[4] Article 4

[5] Maranda EL, Afifi L. et al. “Low-Level laser therapy as a treatment for androgenetic alopecia” . Lasers in surgery and medicine

[6] Article 6

[7] Article 7

[8] Article 8

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