
Does Red Light Therapy Tan You?

Does Red Light Therapy Tan You?

As you already know RLT(Red Light Therapy, also known as PBM-PhotoBioModulation or LLLT-Low Level Laser Therapy) is a technology that uses light waves of a specific wavelength to stimulate cellular processes, promoting wellness and healing.

If you are wondering if Red Light and tanning lamps are the same thing then you are completely off the mark.

Those who do not want to give up the coveted bronze or golden color during the winter months can safely turn to artificial lamps... fact, artificial tanning is a practice of tanning the skin through the use of equipment with UV lamps, that is, through the use of what are commonly referred to as "tanning lamps".

Today, public opinion about the pitfalls of sun exposure has greatly increased, and many people know that tanning lamps, as well as ultraviolet rays, have negative repercussions on our bodies.

The lamps that you find in beauty salons or that you can buy from trusted retailers have one thing in common which is the fact that they are artificial!

As opposed to the naturalness and zero-risk that Red Light Therapy has when you undergo a tanning session you are entering a shell of lamps that give off Ultraviolet Radiation. 

This radiation is why the side effects of tanning lamps are so annoying and sometimes really serious to your health.

The main side effects that many people mention include Erythema, Burns, Solar Dermatitis, Photokeratitis, Eye Damage (if not properly protected), Skin Tumors such as Melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. 

By the way if you were wondering whether RLT can cause Melanoma or other forms of cancer please read on:

Can Red Light Therapy Cause Cancer? Can Red Light Therapy Cause Cancer Cells to Grow? and Can Red Light Therapy make Melanoma worse?.

But Red Light is not a tanning lamp...

In fact, it is not at all capable of guaranteeing you the bronzed complexion you so desire to have even when the sun is not high in the sky.

Not for nothing could exposure to RL reduce signs of skin aging while, on the contrary, sun exposure promotes skin aging due to the effect of ultraviolet rays. See "What is Red Light Therapy Useful for?" for more information.

So the question now is: Can Red Light Help Tanning?

Yes there are some secret ways that this therapy can help improve tanning results.

  • It prepares the skin for UV light: We know when you tan under the sun you get a different tan from doing it in a closed shell of artificial lamps. More natural and even. The advice is to use Red Light to prepare the surface you want to tan. 

Red Light due to its active ingredient is able to stimulate melanin production and by reducing redness and inflammation, it can condition your skin to receive a deep and even tan.

  • Promote a longer-lasting tan: By stimulating melanin production and improving skin tone and texture, RLT actively contributes to a deep, long-lasting tan. This means you can spend less time in the hot sun or tanning bed and get the results you want in less time!
  • Enhancing the benefits of other products: As you know, getting undressed and letting the sun do its work is not enough, which is why there are tanning products such as bronzers, self-tanners and various creams.
By using Red Light you make your skin smooth and even at the microscopic level to prepare for better absorption of these products. This way you maximize your tan by 1000%!

So the next time you go to the beach or are on your deck to enjoy a tanning session, you know that you can make this work harder and more effective by using just beforehand a RLT device, like the ones from NoMore

Red Light Therapy not only really works but is natural, risk-free and 100% effective!


Thank you so much for the company in this reading, see you on Monday with the new blog article, "Does Red Light Therapy Fade Tattoos?"

With Love ❤,
Lisa, NoMore Team

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