6 Mistakes not to make when you are doing Red Light Therapy

6 Mistake To Avoid Doing Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy is a solution that covers many ailments naturally and non-invasively. There are not many cautions to consider but it is still important to know them in order to maximize the benefits and minimize potential side effects. In this blog we will talk about just that, we will explore the 6 mistakes not to make, Fortunately they are very easy to fix!

What is Red Light Therapy and how does it work ?

RLT, also known as photobiomodulation, is a non-invasive treatment utilizing certain wavelengths of red light, which pass through the skin and have various health and aesthetic benefits. Unlike traditional pharmaceutical treatments, this innovative therapy works directly at the root of the problem. It stimulates cellular activity, improves circulation and helps the body heal naturally. This approach focuses its benefits in the mitochondria, the part of the cell that is responsible for the production of energy in the body -- the same energy that is used to overcome common diseases and problems. If you haven't already done so, we encourage you to read our blogs "How Does Red Light Therapy Work?" and "Is Red Light Therapy Fake?"

6 possible red light therapy mistakes you might be making

1. Wearing Clothes, Makeup or Creams during Red Light treatment.

Clothes protect your body from the harmful ultraviolet rays transmitted by the sun but, at the same time, they filter out the red light from the therapy, reducing its benefits. To reach the maximum potential of this approach we recommend not having any fabric or products between the device and your skin, this way the wavelengths emitted by our products will be able to be fully absorbed by your skin and will be able to release all the positive effects on your body. Same goes for makeup and creams, before each session we recommend that you clean yourself of these cosmetic products so as to minimize the reduction in power brought by the Red Light, especially products that protect against the sun. For greater convenience it would be ideal to use these devices early in the morning-this way you will be clean and ready to benefit from all the advantages, otherwise in the evening before going to bed, again you can integrate this treatment efficiently after cleaning and ridding your skin of anything that might get in the way of your path to better health.

Do Not Wear Clothes During Red Light Therapy

2. Holding the device too close or too far away

Especially when using Red Light lamps, it is easy to misplace the device at the wrong distance. Each product should come with an instruction booklet that specifies the ideal distance for each goal you want to achieve. You will find these directions inside the box of each of our products, but if you already own a Red Light device and have not been given the user's manual you can keep this simple information in mind: The deeper the area you want to treat, the closer you will need to hold the Light Emitter. That's right-it's that simple! For example, if you want to reduce the pain caused by arthritis or joint pain you will need to hold the device closer to the skin, this way the energy will penetrate the skin more easily reaching the area affected by the discomfort. If, on the other hand, you are taking advantage of Photobiomodulation to improve the appearance of the skin, a greater distance will suffice. Always remember to read the instructions of each device carefully even though they are easy to use.

3. Wrong treatment duration

As with the ideal distance, this information is also written in the manual that each product should contain. Usually the correct treatment period is 10 to 20 minutes per day, this figure depends on the power of the device, the specific pathology, and the goal you want to achieve. For example for colds, sinusitis and nasal congestion one can use NoMoreColds, this non-invasive device can be used for 10-15 minutes daily and bring comfort after only 6 sessions. Although exceeding the recommended time is not harmful, it can delay the benefits as cells are overexposed and the amount of light they can absorb is limited. If you would like to learn more about session timing, see our dedicated blog, "How long should you do Red Light Therapy?"

4. Not being consistent with treatments

This may seem like a trivial mistake, but consistency is the key to these devices. You won't get the benefits after a single session, not even after two, but regular use of photobiomodulation products will bring benefits quickly. Thanks to the innovation of the devices for home use, it is possible for any owner to practice the therapy anywhere and anytime, thanks to this convenience the costs to be faced have been lowered since it is no longer necessary to go to a specialized salon, they also offer the possibility for anyone to take care of their body on a regular basis without much effort. So how often should I have a treatment? There is no precise rule, however generally if you are not following the treatment at least 3-5 days a week, you are minimizing your investment and delaying the results.

How To Choose The Right Device For Red Light Therapy

5. Using the wrong device or light

Generally the devices on the market use only Red Light, or only Near-infrared Light, or a combination of the two. It is crucial to understand your needs and choose the right device, for this common mistake we wrote a whole blog that we recommend you read if you haven't yet: "How to Choose the Right Red Light Device for Your Needs" In this post we emphasized the importance of choosing the best device for your needs. Devices aimed at defeating one or more specific problems work better and bring results faster by design. For example, NoMoreColds, which we mentioned earlier, was designed by us to be inserted into the nose and transmit red light as close as possible to the affected area. This as well as many other devices have a specific purpose and are able to make people feel relief sooner than general devices such as Red Light panels.

6. Dehydration or Insufficient Hydration.

All doctors and specialists agree that you must drink water throughout the day to keep the body hydrated and healthy. In addition to this, a hydrated body is better able to take advantage of photobiomodulation therapy, this is because more hydrated cells are able to absorb and benefit more from Red Light. More hydrated cells have more energy available to them, which allows them to be more responsive. We encourage anyone to drink plenty of water regardless of this treatment, but it might be a good reason to remember to drink more.


We hope this guide has helped you to use a more correct approach before and during your natural therapy. If you are making one or more of these mistakes we hope you will be able to correct them. With these valuable tips you will be able to maximize the effects, get the benefits sooner, and feel worry free.

If you are looking for a new device for a specific problem we suggest you visit our extensive catalog that includes many products aimed at defeating the most common problems naturally and without side effects, you will be able to find the perfect device that best suits your needs.

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