Red Light Therapy is a technology that uses light waves of a specific wavelength to stimulate cellular processes, promoting well-being and healing.
This particular type of therapy has been very successful in recent years. Some attribute this success to the influencers on Instagram who have posted more and more content about their beauty routines at home over the past year…
In fact, we find personalities such as Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba and many others who have made stories on social posting their secrets to looking beautiful, young and ready to face the intense walk of the Red Carpet.
Today we will take you by the hand into the incredible world of the beneficial effects of RLT and discover some tips and tricks to improve the effect that Red Light has on your cells, also answering some of the most frequently asked questions.
Of all the questions, the most important one that absolutely must be answered is: Do you wear clothes during red light therapy?

No, the Red Light coming from devices such as those from NoMore does not pass through the fabric of the clothes you are wearing...
This is because we decided to use only RLT devices with a wavelength of 655 nm, which is a number that falls within the so called safe range of operation. There are studies to prove that and if you are curious have a look at:”Is Red Light Therapy Safe? Is Red Light Therapy Dangerous?” .
You have this range between 600 nm and 850 nm. If you operate below the range then nothing will happen.
If, on the other hand, you use for example a device at 900 nm then the light even if it remains red changes because the intensity with which it penetrates your skin and interacts with the cells changes.
In fact above 900 nm you have NIR or Near InfraRed Light Therapy which has some beneficial effects but unlike RLT also has side effects.
If you want to know more about this please see our article: "The Difference Between Red Light Therapy vs Infrared. Are Red Light Therapy and Infrared The Same?".
Please note that what has just been described refers to very close use of Red Light devices, what is written applies if the device is placed a maximum of one to half an inch from the affected body surface.
If you use the light from further away then nothing happens at all, just think that the clothes we wear every day ultimately serve to protect us from the sun's UV rays. However, these UV rays have wavelengths that are dangerous for the human body!
Another question many of our customers ask is: How long should the Red Light be used for?
Everyone focuses on how long the RLT device should be used but few ask how long it should be used for before seeing any results.
It has been proven by many medical studies that the use of Red Light devices with wavelengths in the safe range causes no harm if done over a long period of time, for more information see "Can you do Red Light Therapy everyday?".
So the key aspect to consider when using this type of therapy is consistency!
And this does not only apply to Red Light but also to all other therapies. In fact, it is not news that RLT really works and we are not talking about magic, but what is important to note if you want to achieve the desired results is to be consistent with the therapy.
Remember... Always remember to consult the instruction manual to know how best to use the device and receive the desired results in the shortest possible time. And be wary of anyone selling RLT devices without an instruction manual!
Another popular question is: Can I use make-up when using the Red Face Light?
No! Before using RLT devices on your face, make sure that you are not wearing make-up that contains SPF or that you have not smeared other types of creams on your face to protect your skin from insidious UV rays.
If you have read this far you have done well because I am now going to reveal the secret to improving your health whether you are using RLT devices or not…
And the secret is... drum roll... BE HYDRATED!
In fact, if you are a person who drinks enough water during the day, then you are well placed to take full advantage of the positive effects that Red Light can bring to your life and the lives of your loved ones!
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