Red Light Therapy is a technology that uses light waves of a specific wavelength to stimulate cellular processes, promoting well-being and healing.
This particular therapy was discovered at the end of the 1960s but only began to be used much more widely after the discovery of LEDs, thanks to which it was possible to have a therapeutic device at a much more affordable price for the market and above all one that was easy to use at home. It is now known that Red Light can bring wellbeing and healing in a natural, non-invasive way even from home, without you having to spend money on invasive treatment or surgery.
Regarding the safety of using RLT (Red Light Therapy) , we can state that a myriad of scientific studies have been conducted and just as many are in progress stating that the use of LLLT (Low Level Laser Intensity) devices is safe! By LLLT we mean a device with low wavelength intensity, i.e. wavelengths up to about 850 nm. Beyond this threshold you need to take a little extra precaution as the light has a higher intensity and therefore an even greater power to penetrate your skin. We at NoMore offer safe Red Light devices with wavelengths of 660 nm.

How to use Red Light?
The answer to this question is: it depends. It depends on the type of Red Light device you choose to treat your condition. RLT devices are not all the same and each one has different characteristics, imagine treating ACNE with a device you use for colds like NoMoreColds... You will agree with me that it is not the best choice. In fact, depending on the condition, therapeutic devices are tailored accordingly.
The best choice is to rely on your manufacturer's instruction manual, which always contains instructions on the method of use, precautions to take and any contraindications. Of course, if you are pregnant, if you are photosensitive or if you know you have a tumor, it is best to consult your general practitioner or a professional dermatologist who will be able to show you the best course of treatment. For all other people, on the other hand, Red Light is a natural, non-toxic remedy that brings wellbeing if used correctly as written in the instruction booklet. I recommend reading our article "Red Light Therapy is it Safe?" to find out more.
So the important thing is not to do things haphazardly, you have to be serious and consistent if you want to see progress using this wonderful type of therapy.
Consistency is key to getting the results you want, because Red Light is not magic, it is science! And science when proven is effective and actually works!
Many people expect to see the first progress in the treatment after just a few days of use because they are impatient, but in reality it is the constant use of the device that leads to the improvement of the discomfort.
When it comes to deciding how often you should have therapy sessions, it is important to do it right if you want to achieve maximum results and well-being. The relief from the Red Light depends mainly on how often you use the RLT device, the exact area where you are experiencing pain, and the intensity of the device.
The exact area where you experience pain can only be known by you and there is a different RLT device for different parts of the body.
Assuming you have chosen the therapy device with the right wavelengths, if you don't know which one to choose, I recommend reading "Red Light Therapy vs Infrared", "Red Light Therapy vs Blue Light Therapy" and "Red Light Therapy vs Infrared sauna", then the question is: Can I use red light every day?

Yes, you can use it every day as it has no UV rays and therefore cannot burn your skin even after long exposure.
What if I use it too much? First of all: Who has the time to use it all day?! During this time, time is increasingly a precious resource that you need to know how to use. In any case, even though it should not be dangerous, it is important to note that no scientific studies have yet been conducted that have considered times of use that last that long.
Obviously, the advice is always to read the manufacturer's instruction sheet and have a minimum of common sense when approaching the therapy, such as avoiding using it at night before going to bed as it could trick your body into thinking it is daytime so you don't sleep any more, thus distorting the circadian rhythms that dictate the rules for deep sleep.

We conclude by saying that Red Light is a natural therapeutic method that if used for too long does not cause damage or burn on the skin, but neither does it accelerate results.
The advice is generally to use RLT devices every day of the week for about 10-20 minutes consistently and always read the manufacturer's instruction sheet before first use.
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